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Hey all,this is Miley!Yeah,just a simple girl trying to figure out a little bit of all.
I have 5 brothers! Dude, big family :) - I hate the paparazzi,they are freaking annoying. - I love John Lennon, Franklin, rainbows and Jesus. - I'm very down to Earth, I'm the same girl as i was before i went famous. - Im addicted to texting. - My life in 2007 was just perfect,i was very happy,and there weren't any tabloids. - My favourite food is chinese and southern. - I have a lot of animals. - I changed my name in Miley, cuz my parents called me Smiley when i was little. - I became bf with Mandy on my tour -we have our own "Miley and Mandy Show" on youtube ! Check it out! - I like rock music such as The Killers and Coldplay. - I LOVE doing photography.
I love singing dancing and acting and it is such a blessing to be able to share these similarities!I love making people laugh .I also enjoy writing songs shopping watching movies and be togheter with Mandy (duh) And more than anything praising Jesus Christ!
Favourite Films: Steel Magnolias PS:I love you One fine day
don’t know about you all but I am counting down the days until John Mayer releases his new album! I am backstage in TX and listening to “Who Says” (again and again and again) and it is beyond brilliant. I even went back and listened to his first record which has “Comfortable” on it and I literally started tearing up. His music is so beautiful relatable and down right genius! UGH! I loved when he would write about recording and mixing his record because you feel like you are right there with him & apart of the making (even though you have NOTHING to do with it) haha! Anyhoo! Just thought I’d vent about my love for @JohnCMayer =] Let’s just say I am a BIG fan. --- X M <3
@GREY_NAT Move home alreadyyyyy! =[ MISSSSS YA DOLLLLL XXXXXX
@GREY_NAT Move home alreadyyyyy! =[ MISSSSS YA DOLLLLL XXXXXX
@simoneharouche MY best gay fairy! =] #gypsyheartyou
@simoneharouche MY best gay fairy! =] #gypsyheartyou

Comments • 11

disneyforever 9 August 2011  
You are =]
AlexSceneBoy 26 July 2011  
You are just a jerk fake|!
ThisIsMileyxD 26 July 2011  
Those words are for you, my dear. ;]
AlexSceneBoy 26 July 2011  
=))..lol.you are so stp.!!!
I'm not a fake.i'm just a simple boy!
You are a fake.Are so many ,,Miley''on this site.
So i don`t belive you!
ThisIsMileyxD 27 July 2011  
If you're a simple boy then don't judge before lookin a little bit at the style of talking. So now I'm going to say bye-bye!! (;
oNeverSayNever 18 July 2011  
ThisIsMileyxD 18 July 2011  
WhoSaysx3 18 July 2011  
#. Hello :) I know you're not MileyCyrus because real Cyrus is MileyRCyrus92.Deget.net .!! But I'd like you to be my friend <3 Would you?
ThisIsMileyxD 18 July 2011  
Hey'a. Hm I don't know who's that girl but if you believe her no prob, sure we can be friends =]
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